5 Best Fall Hair Colors

Customer at Zoe Grace Salon

5 hair colors perfect for fall! With the leaves changing colors, so should our hair! Fall comes with so many different and beautiful shades that leave us wanting change! Here are the 5 best colors for fall hair change! ZoeGraceSalon

1. Golden – Like the golden leaves of autumn, golden highlights are perfect for fall! Perfect for naturally dark hair, these highlights frame the face and accent dark eyes. Highlights like these are very simple to maintain!

2. Deep Red
Another great color for fall is a deep red. Red hair is perfect for any skin tone! The shade of red might be different if you have pale skin than if you have darker skin, but deep reds are a great accent to any fall outfit!

3. Chocolate Brown
Deep Chocolate browns remind us of a warm mug filled with hot chocolate and s’mores around the fire! This color is perfect for chilly fall nights

4. Strawberry Blonde
This cute blonde hair color is perfect for fall with its strawberry/orange tint. For those who already have light hair and don’t want anything drastic, this is perfect! It is easy to maintain and change back if you don’t want it anymore!

5. Shadow Root
A shadow root reminds us of the changing leaves, gradually changing. This hair color is the most recent trend in 2017 and is perfect for those looking for a subtle, trendy, and natural look!