KyBella Full Session Price Upon Consultation, Typically around $600 per vial

Transform your look forever with Kybella at Zoe Grace Salon & Med Spa, the first FDA-approved injectable solution for subliminal fat in the chin and bra areas. Utilizing deoxycholic acid, a natural substance in the body, Kybella eradicates stubborn fat cells non-surgically, sculpting a defined, contoured jawline. With personalized 15-20 minute sessions, you can see visible results after just 2-4 treatments spaced a month apart, with minimal downtime. Our professionals create a bespoke plan for your seamless transformation. Experience the power of Kybella against subliminal fat. Learn More

$600 per vial. Starting at $1200 per session, with minimum of two sessions recommended for best results.

Financing as low as $58.11/month for a visit session


Before & After Care Instructions

Full Session Price Upon Consultation, Typically around $600 per vial

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