Protect Your Hair Color and Highlights with Stuff Already in Your Kitchen

So, you’ve just discovered the perfect hair color for your skin tone, spent a lovely afternoon with your hairstylist, and emerged from the hair salon looking and feeling like a supermodel. Congratulations. You have reached peak fabulous-ness. Now, how do you hang onto your perfect hair color and highlights for as long as humanly possible? There are plenty of ways to protect your color, such as shower filters and salon brand shampoos and conditioners, but one of the most underrated ways to protect your hair is a weekly hair mask. Ultimately, your hairstylist will recommend the best salon brand take home deep conditioning treatment for your unique hair color. Start there because he/she knows what type of color was used on your hair and what your specific hair type needs most. You can also ask them about this amazing mask from Keune named So Pure Recover Treatment. Ultimately, get the permission from your stylist to use anything on your hair because you absolutely do not want to ruin the perfect color you just achieved! Although your best results will ALWAYS come from your salon purchased mask, when you don’t have the salon brand treatment at home…. and you’re in a pinch, and.. well…. you’ve been Pinteresting and decide you’re just must…. try one of these hair mask recipes.
#1 Mayonnaise I know, coating your brand-new hair color and highlights in mayonnaise sounds less than pleasurable. But mayonnaise is filled with fats and oils that promote health and shine in your hair. As you might expect, this won’t smell great, but it’s one of the most effective products you can use to moisturize your hair.To apply the mayonnaise mask, make sure you coat each strand. Then wrap a warm towel around your head and let it sit for 30-40 minutes before washing it out. To ensure there is no residue, rinse your hair thoroughly with cold water. Using cold water instead of hot water also helps retain color. You can repeat this process 2-3 times per week.
#2 Avocados + BananasAvocados and bananas are great ingredients for restoring softness to your hair color and highlights. To make this mask, you need a few more ingredients and items.
1 avocado
1 banana
1 sieve
1 tablespoon of plain unsweetened yogurt
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
After mashing the avocado and banana together, put the mixture through your sieve so you’ll get a fine paste. Add the yogurt and olive oil and stir it thoroughly. Apply the mixture throughout your hair and put on a shower cap to keep the paste from dripping. Cover your head with a towel and leave the mask on for 30-40 minutes before washing out with cold water.
#3 Olive Oil + HoneyAs you might expect, this mixture is crazy sticky, and a little hard to spread. But mixing 4 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of honey will add serious shine to your hair color and highlights. Coat it evenly all over your hair, and try to immediately cover your hair with a shower cap to mitigate dripping. You only need to leave it on for 20 minutes before washing it out with shampoo and cold water.
#4 Egg Whites + Banana + MilkFirst, mash up the banana before you add the liquid ingredients. To make it easier, you can put the banana in a blender, giving it a smooth, even consistency. Then add one cup of milk and two egg whites. (If you have a hard time separating the whites from the yolk, you can buy liquid egg whites from just about any grocery store). Apply the mixture to every piece of hair and let it sit for 30 minutes. When it’s done, wash it out thoroughly with cold water.
#5 Coconut OilSimple, tried and true coconut oil. Every once and a while, it’s nice to only need one ingredient. And, bonus, it smells amazing. Apply it evenly to your hair and wrap it in a towel or hair scarf before bed. In the morning, just wash it out with shampoo and cold or lukewarm water.