Makeup Tutorial: How to Do Quick Makeup Before Work or School Part 3: LASHES, BROWS, AND LIPS

Welcome to the third and final part of my makeup tutorial: Lashes, Brows and Lips! By now, you should have finished your eye makeup and your flawless, airbrushed foundation in less than ten minutes. If you haven’t, go back now, because you definitely need to do those parts first! If you’ve already watched those videos, awesome. You’re ready for the finishing touches: Lashes, Brows, and Lips!
1. Blush: As soon as you finish your foundation, smile! And apply your blush directly on your cheekbones with a blush brush.
2. Eyebrow Gel: Your brows definitely frame your face, so make sure you’re getting them shaped by a professional—whether you get them waxed, threaded, et cetera. For your makeup, use a tinted brow gel to groom and fill in your eyebrows. Again, the brand doesn’t really matter, but I really like Younique’s Precision Brow Gel.
3. Mascara: When doing your mascara, you should move in a couple different directions so that you both thicken and lengthen them. First, go back and forth to thicken your lashes. I start on my bottom lashes and then do the top ones. In order to lengthen them, start at the base of your lashes and move outward. Starting as close to the base of your lashes as possible will also help outline your eye, giving it more definition!
4. Lips: I actually start with the same concealer I showed you in Part 2: Foundation: Mac Prep + Prime. Priming your lips with concealer helps your lip color stay on throughout your busy day.
Lip liner also helps your lip color stay put. Start with thin lines, right in the middle, to get the correct shape. Use a thicker line on the outside of your lips, and then blend it into the thinner line in the middle to plump your lips and make them look fuller. Finally, apply your lip color. I hate using lip gloss because it’s too sticky, and nothing is more annoying than getting flyaway hairs stuck to your lips. So I use a lip stain instead. Lip stain also works great for me because I’m a bit of a ChapStick junkie. Once my lip stain dries, I can apply and reapply my chapstick and my color will stay in place.
And that’s it! If you follow my three-part makeup tutorial, you’re ready to take on your busy day in under fifteen minutes!
Watch all three parts on my YouTube Channel Here: