Winter Proof Your Hair and Body

Winter Proof Your Body

As the winter months draw on, it can be rough on your body. You may find that the dry, harsh conditions of winter cause a number of problems for you from chapped lips to dry skin. You can protect yourself with a few simple tips:

Flyaway Hair – Cold temperatures, wind, and excessive combing can create a buildup of negative ions on the hair shafts called static. Use a mild salon shampoo for dry hair, and always use conditioner, which should get rid of the negative ions. Ask your stylist for recommendations for your hair-type. Zoe Grace’s new Brushes by Ergo work wonderfully at reducing static in your hair by adding positive ions.

Windburn Skin – Prolonged exposure to wind and the cold can leave skin raw and chapped. Before going outside, put on a thick layer of Shea butter. Then add a layer of sunscreen. For men’s skincare, look at monthly luxury shaves and facials. Luxury shaves help exfoliate the skin while also providing a hydrating mask to help restore moisture.

Chapped Lips -Chapped lips are a common problem during winter. Most people reach for a petroleum jelly-based chap stick. Petroleum jelly doesn’t get absorbed by the skin; instead it sits on your lips until it is wiped off. Use Shea butter. It is absorbed by the skin and helps improve the moisture retention of your lips.

Dry Hands – Your skin is susceptible to dehydration during the winter months. To protect your hands, wear gloves when you go outside and use rubber gloves when you do the dishes. Moisturize your hands every time you wash them. Frequent washing without moisturizing causes cracked knuckles.

Rough Elbows – Elbows have a thicker top layer of skin, which gets rough by the loss of moisture. To keep them smooth, exfoliate with a scrub twice a week and apply a thick cream every day.

Flaky Face – To keep skin from flaking, avoid products that contain alcohol, which is drying. Read labels! You might be surprised. Instead, use a gentle cleanser and switch to a richer moisturizer.