Why Hair Care is IMPORTANT!

Think about the last time you met someone new. You probably noticed their hair. It doesn’t matter whether it was washed, cut well, and whether or not it looked cared for, you noticed it. The truth is we are a society of appearances. And when we meet someone, we definitely take into account what their hair looks like. Sadly, this is especially true of women. If you’re looking for a new job, you MUST put your best foot forward. What does your hair look like?
Beautiful and shiny hair always leaves a great impression, which is why knowing how to look your best, and take care of your type of hair is essential! But more than that, it is vital that you know how to take PROPER care of your hair. It helps to avoid extensive damage that can eventually lead to hair loss but also makes your hair lack shine and movement.
Seriously, shampooing with the latest celebrity-endorsed shampoo and conditioner is no guarantee that you’re doing enough. Most people also need weekly deep conditioning treatments, regular haircuts, or maybe even hair color that is low to no Ammonia. Your most trusted source of information is your very own stylist. Sure, you gab every month about what you did over the last several weeks, and what your hopes and plans are for the next month or two. But did you ever consider your hair stylist as something more than a pro tem therapist?
The truth is you need to know what your hair stylist knows and might be willing to share with you. Is your hair thinning? Your stylist might be giving you a hairstyle to minimize the effects of aging or illness. But did you ASK? Is your hair breaking or weak? Then you must use good quality protein hair products. Is your hair dry? Then your take home salon regimen should contain moisture.
Trust me on this. Your stylist has a better understanding than you might know. They can recommend good salon brand products to nourish your hair how it specifically needs. Not all hair care products are made the same. There’s a difference between store bought and professional products. If not, even stylists would use store bought to save money. You buy products to nourish your body at the grocery store and should buy the products to nourish your hair from the salon.
Additionally, your hairstylist can see if you have odd freckles showing up on your scalp. No one else in the world is looking at your scalp as carefully as your regular stylist! There are people who learn about a life-threatening melanoma because their stylist mentioned an odd-looking “freckle” that showed up a month ago. Learn to really talk to your regular stylist! You might actually tell them to alert you to odd looking freckles, red spots, or unusual damage to your hair that could be essential to your overall health, not to mention the health and look of your hair.
To sum it up think of someone’s first impression when they see you, is it a healthy one? Does your hair look shiny and healthy? If the answer is no, you may want to consider investing in your hair which in turn has a big impact on your overall look.